1. 5:50 Parker & I up, 7:00 Carson & Cooper up, 7:30 Josh & Emma up
2. Breakfast- Coffee & donuts
3. Kids played, Josh went to Target to get diapers & got the kids some coloring books and stickers
4. Took Parker's Halloween pictures because he was happy, so CUTE!
5. 11:30 Josh went to work
6. Lunch
7. More coloring, I let Emma stay up, watched some Halloween cartoons
8. 2:30 Josh home
9. Josh carved the pumpkins, kids refused to touch the guts
10. Dinner
11. Got costumes on
12. 6:00-7:30 Trick-or-Treating
13. Got home, the kids dumped out their candy & picked one piece to eat
14. Gave Parker a bath, kids bedtime
15. Josh watched the basketball game & I played on the computer
16. Bedtime
Also . . .
1. Happy Halloween! The kids are EXTREMELY excited for tonight!
2. Trick-or-treating was alot of fun. Emma wasn't too sure about it until she saw that first piece of candy! Then, she was very HAPPY. She said thank you & bye to everyone. The kids got a ton of candy!
3. This is the last post like this. I will still post daily, but probably not in as much detail, we'll see.
4. Parker is 12 WEEKS OLD today!
Question of the Day . . .
What is your favorite Halloween/Scary movie or show?
Shannon- It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
Josh- Saw
Carson- Diego's Halloween
Cooper- Spiderman
Pictures . . .
1. Best Buds!
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