1. 5:50 Parker & I up, 6:30 Josh up, 7:00 Carson up, 7:20 Cooper up, 7:30 Emma up
2. No school today, Carson got another bad cold (I can't imagine if all 4 were in daycare, they would be sick ALL the time)
3. The boys played with their new halloween stickers and coloring books I got them last night. Emma found the DVD holder and changed the movie probably 5 times before giving up
4. 11:00 Josh's graduation (no, we won't be there, I wish, but can you imagine having all the kids there???)
5. Lunch, stickers on the couch, Emma's nap, more stickers and rest
6. 2:00 Josh home
7. Emma up, Josh & Emma went to Sam's Club for diapers & bread, Carson took a little nap, Josh & Cooper went to the tower so Josh could check his email, dinner
8. Carson had a high fever, watched Star Wars for awhile, fell asleep downstairs, slept with Josh
Also . . .
1. Poor Carson, I hate seeing him sick!
Question of the Day . . .
What is your favorite candy?
Shannon- Snickers
Carson- M&M's
Cooper- M&M's
Emma- whatever Josh sneaks her
Pictures . . .
1. Resting & Doing Stickers

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