Today. . .
1. Up at 6:30, breakfast
2. Josh took Carson to school
3. Watched Gray's Anatomy, played with Cooper & Emma, Josh unloaded the dishwasher
4. Went to Target, Cooper got a new Transformer, I got Carson his first box of 120 crayons
5. We all picked Carson up from school
6. Lunch
7. Emma's nap, Josh's nap, the boys organized the new crayons in rainbow order (just like I would have done), colored, played outside
8. Emma up, the kids played outside, dinner outside, forced to come in at 6:30.
9. Bedtime
Also. . .
1. I have been meaning to put Parker's schedule on here. He is on a 3 hour schedule during the day. So, he wakes up, has a bottle, is up for about 1 1/2 hours, then sleeps for about 1 1/2 hours, then repeat. He is up around 6:00 and has a bottle. Then he has a bottle at 9, 12, 3, 6, 10ish before I go to bed, then usually around 2:00. Not bad for 9 weeks, a little behind what Emma did, but we are getting closer to 8 hours straight at night, the longest he has gone is 5 1/2 hours. Hopefully, it won't be much longer!
2. Playing Outside = throwing rocks, playing in their playhouse, sitting in chairs talking, playing hospital (Carson lays down with a baby doll and pretends he is sick (like when I had Parker), Cooper is the doctor, Emma helps take care of the baby), riding their bikes, sword fights, rolling in the grass . . .
5 Words that describe Cooper
Shannon-funny, organized, stubborn, loving, fearful
Josh-shy, a slow walker, caring, organized, cuddly
Pictures. . .
1. the 1st thing you do with a new box of crayons

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