1. 5:30 Parker & I up, 6:15 Carson up, 6:30 Cooper & Josh up, 6:45 Emma up
2. Breakfast, Josh did Carson's hair (he's way better at it)
3. 7:30 Josh off to work (M-16 training) and us off to school
4. Got home, cleaned up kitchen, helped Cooper get his guys out, checked email
5. Picked Carson up
6. Lunch, Emma's nap, made a pumpkin pie, the boys had a cupcake, watched Spongebob, played on the computer
7. Dinner- ghost pancakes
8. Bedtime- Emma goes right upstairs as long as she has her Nike shoebox full of toys, gave Parker a bath
9. Josh watched some of the Blazer game and you would have thought it was Christmas!
10. Bedtime
Also . . .
1. Carson is the V.I.P. this week! I asked him what he gets to do special, he said he gets to ring the bell, be the first to go outside, and the first to choose what he wants to play with after circle time. He gets to wear a special V.I.P. button also. During circle time he showed everyone his pictures of himself and the family. He thinks its pretty cool to be V.I.P.!!!
2. I had to make a pumpkin pie today. With it still in the 80's here, it doesn't really feel like fall. At least my house smells like fall! I love pumpkin pie!
3. Everyone has a cold here, just different degrees of severity.
4. Josh shot 38/50 today at his M-16 training.
Question of the Day . . .
If you could have everything in 1 store, what store would that be?
Shannon- Potterybarn
Josh- Nike
Carson- Target
Cooper- Toys R Us
Pictures . . .
1. Emma decided my stamps belonged with her footloops

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