1. It's my Birthday!
2. Parker up at 5:45, so I'm up, Josh up at 5:45 also, Carson up at 6:00, Cooper up at 6:45, Emma up at 7:10
3. Josh decorated the house, went & got Starbucks, a pumpkin score, & donuts for the kids all before I was done with my shower
4. 7:00 Josh off to work in his full dress uniform
5. Carson started coloring & craft projects, talked to my mom, checked email, talked to my brother Sean, talked to Katie, talked to my Grandma Kathie
6. Lunch
7. Talked to Michele, colored more with Carson, talked to Erin, picked up toys
8. Josh got home, went & got dinner (BK-Carson & Emma, McD-Cooper, In&Out-us)
9. Talked to my Dad, Ryan, & Nikki, made brownies
10. Brownies & Ice Cream
11. Kids went to bed at 8:00
Also . . .
1. Parker is 9 weeks old today.
Question of the Day . . .
I love Mommy because . . .
Carson- "I like your birthday"
Cooper. . . "you let me put my guys in all your stuff."
27 Things at 27 . . .
- 1. I am addicted to Mocha Frappacinos.
- 2. I don’t mind folding clothes, but I hate putting them away.
- 3. I am addicted to scrapbooking.
- 4. I love taking pictures, but I don’t get them printed often enough.
- 5. I will not clean bathrooms or do yard work.
- 6. I hate when people take naps during the day, naps are for kids.
- 7. My dream job would be working with animals in a zoo or doing shark research.
- 8. I am inspired by Ali Edwards, Martha Stewart, and my mom of course.
- 9. Top 5 places I want to visit: Italy, France, South Africa (great white sharks), Ireland (again), and Germany.
- 10. Top 5 places to visit in the U.S.: Boston, New York, Hawaii, Alaska, Washington D.C.
- 11. Top 5 movies: Meet the Fockers, Runaway Bride, The Burbs, Just Married, and The Wedding Planner.
- 12. Top 5 TV shows: Brothers & Sisters, Big Brother, Gray’s Anatomy, Top Chef, and Amazing Race.
- 13. I love desserts: cheesecake, brownies, cakes, etc.
- 14. I love Disneyland and dream about being there on a regular basis.
- 15. I have had 4 kids in 5 years.
- 16. I hate driving.
- 17. I love flowers but I usually don’t know their name.
- 18. I love to cook but I am a picky eater.
- 19. I am a: mom, wife, daughter, sister, scrapbooker, organizer, referee, teacher, diaper-changer, trip-planner, and photographer.
- 20. I love nature and love to explore.
- 21. I don’t like onions, hot weather, sour candy, cooked vegetables, or dirty dishes.
- 22. I never knew I could love my four little ones as much as I do despite all the diapers, messes, late nights, whining, and fighting.
- 23. I have taken 21, 567 pictures since December 31, 2003 when Carson was born.
- 24. I love planning trips even if I don’t end up going on them.
- 25. My favorite artists are: Edgar Degas, Monet, and Georgia O’Keeffe.
- 26. Go USC!
- 27. I am truly blessed for my wonderful kids, adoring husband, and supportive family.
Pictures . . .
1. B-day balloons

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