1. Parker & I up at 5:30, Josh & Carson up at 6:00, Cooper up at 6:15, Emma up at 7:00
2. Breakfast, off to school
3. Got home, picked up some toys, Cooper played on the computer (the few games he knows how to do without Carson's help), watched "Top Design", colored with Emma
4. Picked Carson up, got home, made lunch
5. 12:45 started getting all 4 ready for the pumpkin patch
6. 1:25 finally ready and in the car
7. 2:00-4:00 Pumpkin patch fun!!
8. Got home, had dinner, the kids colored some, watched some T.V. (they were pretty tired), read their magazines that came in the mail today
9. Gave Parker a bath
10. Bedtime
Also . . .
1. The kids got their magazines today (Nick Jr. & Backyard Adventures). They love every month when they come!
2. Parker has really started sucking on his fist if his pacifier isn't around.
3. I got all my college alumni stuff in the mail along with a bumper sticker and a pin.
4. At the pumpkin patch we checked out the animals, the boys & Josh rode the train, we searched for the biggest pumpkin, had a treat, and then picked out our pumpkins, 1 big & 2 little ones each. It was 85° and hot. It didn't feel like fall at all. We were all red and sweaty!
Question of the Day . . .
What is your biggest fear?
Shannon- throwing up
Josh-small spaces
Carson- being left in the car by himself
Cooper- heights
Emma- strangers
Pictures . . .
1. Trying to reach
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