1. Josh up at ?? I don't even remember hearing him get ready. Carson up at 6:10, so Parker & I got up, Cooper up at 6:30, the boys wrestled in my bed for a while, shower, Emma up at 7
2. Breakfast, chocolate chip muffins, picked out toy for share day, got snack (ritz cheese crackers & juice box) ready, off to school
3. 8:01 Parker is 2 MONTHS OLD!
4. Got home, talked to my mom, vacuumed, laundry, unloaded dishwasher, picked up toys, trying to stay awake, I am very tired today! Checked email, started picking out pictures for our yearly review album (5,000+ to go through)
5. Picked up Carson, lunch, Emma's nap, picked up toys, colored with the boys
6. Emma up, Emma & Cooper emptied toy box, Carson colored pumpkins
7. Dinner, Josh home, Starbucks run
8. Bedtime-story, Carson told us all about Sharks, then did the shark dance and sang the shark song
9. Scrapbooked, Josh did some reading, watched "The Shield", "Til Death"
10. 10:30 Bedtime
Also . . .
1. 2 Months already- how does time go by so fast, Parker has changed so much. He is chubby and I love that. I can't believe how much the kids have fallen in love with him also. They love when he is happy, are sad when he is asleep, and think it is funny when he cries and is crabby. Carson insists on feeding him a bottle once a day. Cooper enjoys showing Parker his toys. Emma likes to put his pacifier back in his mouth, even if he doesn't want it. I am so lucky to have 4 beautiful, kind, silly, and wonderful kids.
2. Josh has another speech today, wish him luck!
3. I got the kids cold, no fun!
Question of the Day . . .
What is your favorite holiday?
Carson- Halloween
Pictures . . .
1. Carson's completed project

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