1. Got up at 6:00, did the usual morning routine
2. No school today, so everyone is home to play
3. The boys played "green guy", colored for a long time, organized their guys
4. Lunch followed by Emma's nap
5. It FINALLY rained.
6. Emma up, colored some more, played "green guy", chased each other around acting like ghosts
7. Josh brought pizza home for dinner, Cooper had cereal, Josh cleaned the whole house
8. 7:00 bedtime
9. Watched TV, played on the computer
10. 9:30 bedtime for Josh, 11:00 bedtime for me
11. Bottle at 2:30am, fussy around 4:45am
Conversation of the day . . .
Mom: Carson, what do you want for breakfast?
Carson: Hey Mom, I have an idea. How about 2 pieces of toast with a cookie in the middle?
Mom: That doesn't sound very good, and you can't have a cookie for breakfast.
Carson: Please Mom, pretty please with sugar on top!
Mom: Okay.
Mom: Umm, Carson, the cookies are all gone. Dad had the last one and left the package in there.
Carson: Oh no, that was a big no-no. Dad's in big trouble! I guess I will just have toast.
Mom: Okay.
Also . . .
1. Parker is 8 weeks old today. Can you believe that???? I can't get over how fast he is growing. He is becoming a little man more and more everyday!!
2. RAIN!
Question of the Day . . .
What is your Favorite Food?
Shannon: Fettucine Alfredo, Chinese
Josh: Spaghetti
Carson: "Grilled cheese, pizza"
Cooper: "Ogurt"
Emma: anything
Pictures . . .

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