1. 6:15 Parker & I up, 7:00 Josh & Cooper up, 7:30 Emma up, 8:00 Carson up
2. Carson still sick, couldn't eat his donut
3. Carson rested all morning, Cooper rested & played with some of his guys, Josh cleaned the upstairs, mopped downstairs
4. 11:00 Parker's 2 month check-up & shots, I took him, Josh stayed with the rest of the kids
5. Lunch made by Josh
6. 12:15 Parker & I home, Carson felt a little better, up and playing some
7. Emma's nap, made Haunted Houses with the boys, Josh went and got the oil changed in the Suburban, got more medicine & a movie for tonight
8. Dinner
9. Watched TV, watched "Losing Sara Marshall", bedtime
Also . . .
1. Today is our 9 YEAR dating anniversary!
2. Parker weighed 12lbs 9oz and was 21.5 inches long, he has gained 5 lbs since his 2 week check-up
3. Parker is 10 weeks old!
Question of the Day . . .
9 Random Memories from the last 9 Years
Josh- I will always remember . . .
1. High school football games
2. Our wedding
3. Our first year together in Little Rock when we didn't have any kids
4. Finding out you were pregnant 4 times.
5. Our first kiss
6. When I had to come rescue you at work because you couldn't drive in the snow.
7. Our first big family trip to Disneyland.
8. When we decided to get married.
9. Spending the night in the shed.
1. I will always remember that at HS football games Josh always wore a hooded sweatshirt and hat.
2. I will always remember while I was at OSU all the many weekends he came down to visit, not too mention all the times when he was supposed to be in school.
3. I will never forget when we decided to get married, it was sort of, "well, do you want to get married, or what"
4. I will always remember his graduation from Basic training when he wasn't supposed to hug or kiss me.
5. I will always remember our drive to Arkansas was full of adventure: not being able to find the lake in Salt Lake City, flat tire leaving Denver, major thunderstorm/tornados through Oklahoma, getting lost in Little Rock, and finally arriving at the base
6. I will always remember the look on Josh's face all 4 times we found out I was pregnant, a little bit of shock, a little bit of how did this happen, and a little bit of pure happiness.
7. I will always remember the trip to Six Flags (my freshman year at OSU & Josh's senior year) with my family. First, I got home and my brother Sean & him decided to bleach their hair, which DID NOT work. Then we took the train which was Josh's first time. He felt trapped. But we had a great trip!
8. I will always remember the cockroaches that came into our house in Little Rock, and I, who was really pregnant, had to kill them.
9. I will always remember our first kiss, our first dance, losing my rings the day before the wedding (we found them), him almost passing out every c-section, how tired he was during the hospital days, and how much fun we had in Disneyland last summer.
Pictures . . .
1. Still sick this morning

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