1. Parker was up at 5:45, fed and changed him, Cooper came in at 6:00, took a shower, Carson came in at 6:30, off to school at 7:302. Carson at Preschool 7:50-12

3. While Carson was at schoool, Cooper & I cleaned the playroom, chased Emma around, organized all his guys, 1 box of Superheros, 1 box of Transformers
4. Picked Carson up, stopped at Starbucks, came home, made lunch, put Emma down
5. Laundry, the boys colored, played with their "guys", played on th
e computer, fed Parker, got Emma up
6. Played chase, picked up toys, started dinner, the kids ate, josh got home around 6:00, chocolate ice cream for "treat time"
7. 7:00 Kids bedtime which includes reading, talking, hugs & kisses
8. Tonight the boys came back down for: one toy, use the potty, get a drink,
and as always, Carson had to tell us that Cooper was being too wild and all Carson wanted to do was go to sleep.
9. Watched "Sons of Anarchy", "Criminal Minds", a little bit of the Vice Presidential debate
10. 10:30 bedtime
Conversation of the Day . . .
-After picking Carson up from school
Carson: Hey boo, what did you do while I was at school?
Cooper: Picked up, you can't make a mess, a big huge mess
Carson: Why can't I make a mess?
Cooper: It was hard work. I'm so hot. You better not make a mess, no mess, no mess, 1 box at a time, k Carson? k, Carson?
Carson: Okay Boo.
Also . . .
1. Josh passed his first test at ALS!
2. We are supposed to be getting our first real rain tomorrow night and Saturday!!! (We haven't had real, measurable rain since May)
Question of the Day . . .
What is your Favorite Movie?
Shannon: Meet the Fockers
Josh: Dumb & Dumber
Carson: "Power Rangers"
Cooper: "Star Wars"
Pictures . . .
1. My first all digital layout!

2. My Three Little Boys playing together today

3. Our Day

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