1. 5:30 Parker & I up (he was fussy from 3:30-5:30 about every 20-30 mins., no fun!), 6:00 Carson up, 6:30 Cooper up, 6:45 Josh up, 7:00 Emma up
2. Josh got breakfast, took Carson to school
3. Josh cleaned the house, I cleaned the playroom, Cooper played on the computer, Emma played with her dolls
4. Josh picked up Carson
5. Lunch
6. 1:00 Emma's nap, the boys played outside for awhile, did some crafts, played with their guys
7. Dinner and special early treat- oreos & chocolate milk
8. 6:00 Carson & Cooper lined their toys all the way up the stairs, down the hallway, and into their room
9. 6:30 gave Emma a bath in the sink (she loves doing that!)
10. 7:00 Parker's bath, bedtime, cleaned up the kids disaster
11. 7:30 Josh home in time for the first Blazer game (he was just A LITTLE excited!)
12. 10:30 bedtime
Also . . .
1. Parker giggled for the first time today! I was changing his poopy diaper and saying it was stinky, he was full of huge smiles, and then a little giggle! So cute!
2. Basketball season has begun here . . . didn't it just end??? Josh gets very involved in the games, especially when the Blazers play
Question of the Day . . .
What is your favorite sport?
Shannon- Football
Carson- baseball
Cooper-baseball (he liked Carson's answer)
Pictures . . .
1. Sink Baby

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