1. 5:30 Joshua got up
2. 6:10 Parker & I got up, fed Parker a bottle, changed his diaper
3. Took a shower
4. 6:30 Carson got up, 6:45 Cooper got up, 7:00 Emma got up, changed diapers, got dressed
5. Breakfast
6. Got Carson’s snack ready, he picked out his toy for share day, got everyone loaded into the car
7. 7:30 Off to Preschool
8. 8:00 Got home, picked up the morning mess, got Parker back to sleep, checked email
9. 9:00 Fed Parker
10. 9:00-11:30 Cooper played “hide and seek” with his guys (“I’m going to play hide and seek with my guys, by myself, oh guys, where are you?”), Emma watched Dora and played with her baby doll, both helped unload the dishwasher, Emma got into the candy corn
11. 12:00 Pick Carson up from school
12. Get home, Cooper & Carson took turns feeding Parker while I made lunch
13. 1:00 Emma's nap, the boys played with their guys, colored, and played a few games on the computer
14. 3:00 fed Parker, got Emma up, did some laundry, entertained Parker
15. 4:30 got Parker to sleep, made dinner, picked up toys, vacuumed
16. 5:45 Josh got home and cleaned
17. Josh and Emma ran some errands, the boys had a treat, watched 30 mins. of Spiderman, picked out books to read
18. 7:00 Bedtime, read two books, talked about school, made sure the huge Hulk cardboard cutout was looking at the boys to "protect them" at night
19. 7:45 All 4 kids are asleep!
Age . . .
Josh is: 25 years, 10 months, and 26 days old (9,462 days)
I am: 26 years, 11 months, and 21 days old (9,853 days)
Carson is: 4 years, 9 months, and 1 day old (1,736 days)
Cooper is: 3 years, 7 months, and 13 days old (1,321 days)
Emma is: 2 years, 2 months, and 10 days old (803 days)
Parker is: 1 month and 23 days old (54 days)
Also . . .
- Josh got his flight information for his next TDY, he leaves December 14th, at 6:00 am
- Carson sang, "Where is little mouse, where is little mouse, here I am, here I am" all afternoon
- Cooper tried using the potty but no success there
- I found out I won 2 prizes for some of my recent scrapbook pages!
- Parker started sucking on his fist
Question of the Day . . .
What is your Favorite Color?
Shannon: Pink
Josh: Blue
Carson: Orange
Cooper: Green
Pictures . . .

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