Thursday, October 30, 2008

October 30th

Today . . .
1. 5:45 Parker & I up, 6:15 Carson up, 6:45 Cooper up, 7:15 Josh & Emma up
2. Breakfast, Josh took Carson to school
3. Josh cleaned, Cooper watched a little Hulk then played with Emma
4. Josh picked Carson up
5. Lunch
6. Emma's nap, made rice crispie treats, Josh went to work, the boys colored
7. Emma up, kids played, argued, whined, finally calmed down and colored together
8. Dinner
9. Its Raining!!
10. 7:00 Bedtime, Parker's bath

Also . . .
1. Finally, some rain!!!!!

Question of the Day . . .
What do you like about the rain?
Shannon- I love not feeling guilty about relaxing and staying inside.
Carson- "Jumping in puddles"
Cooper- "I not like the rain"

Pictures . . .
1. The cutest little witch
2. So Cute, It's Scary
3. Adorable!
4. Spaghetti, YUM-O!
5. Playing together while Carson is at school

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