It all started on Friday, the first cold from preschool. It's inevitable when you start school, but I was surprised how soon it happened. Carson got sick Friday, and Cooper & Emma Saturday night. So far, Parker is in the clear!
Although Parker won't be 2 weeks old until Friday, he had his 2 week check-up today. He weighed 7lbs, 9oz and is now 18.5 inches. He has gained 6 ounces since Friday!!!
Carson went to his 1st day of preschool today. Doesn't he look handsome! He was very shy at first, but he had a great time. Carson is excited to go back tomorrow!!!
We found out this week that Joshua will be going back to Iraq in December, around the 16th. He will be based at Baghdad International Airport, the Sather (spelling???) AFB. He will be gone for 6 months, so the kids and I will be moving up to Portland while he is away. Keep him in your prayers please!!!!!